} Thanksgiving day has come and gone - not much excitement this year since the family has gotten into an attitude of "Well, if she doesn't call me then I'm not calling her." So that left three of us to eat Thanksgiving day lunch together. It was nice, but a sad scene truth-be-told.
} The temperature DROPPED yesterday. It's getting into that season where it can look beautiful out, you get all excited to spend some time in it only to have your hopes dashed when you step out and get frost-bite. Time to adjust mentally to ice and snow temps! No walking around the lake for me.
} Took my truck to get looked at this week. He's leaking. Lots. But to his defense, he's got over 280,000 miles on him. It's the power steering pump, O2 sensor, and PCV valve. Basically $700 worth. The service people were almost beaming with pride, "Christy, this truck has been awesome for you! How many more miles do you think he can handle?" I think we're setting some records around there. And as long as the body holds up - he could have a future in truck pulls! (It's a real popular body style to get pimped-out for the truck pulls - he'd be in redneck heaven).
} I have now done something I can say I did at least once in my lief - I joined all the crazy people at 4 AM on Black Friday this morning. My mom wanted a camera and I wanted a sewing machine - so with my circulars in hand, off I went to Kohl's as my first destination. Unbelieveable is all I can say. I thought waiting in the unemployment line was long and arduous - it has nothing on the line I saw at 3:45 a.m.!!!! Not my thing really, so I passed on Kohl's. Then I just went all-out and went to Wal-Mart. KNOWING how crazy people are there. But one store didn't have any sewing machines and with the way they had "lines" set-up I couldn't figure out how to get back to even see the cameras. So I got my few grocery items and went on. I'm hungry at this point - try finding a McDonalds actually open at 4:30 a.m.! I managed to get to another Wal-Mart to get a camera for mom at a really reasonable price, but alas, sewing machines were already gone. Next year, I might get up early just to shop online and go right back to bed. But for now - I need a nap before the rest of the day happens!