Thursday, December 30, 2010 0 comments

Theme for 2011

In 2010 I had a word that I concentrated on, it became my theme for the year - Preparation.  And preparation was certainly what was happening for me - to start my own business, to grow as a leader, to share my life with others, to trust in God, to love in action, and many other things. 

For 2011 my word is SIMPLIFY.  I'll explain.

I had a wonderful meeting with a brother of mine (my pastor) who has the freedom and guts to tell me like it is. I have this tendency to do things BIG.  I think big - and then do it.  Nothing wrong with that; however, if I want to be a great leader, I need to make things doable for others to join in.  I am robbing others of their ability to do ministry simply because I do too much - I end up either overwhelming my volunteers with the feeling to keep up, or the guilty feeling of not keeping up.  Neither of these are intentional, it just happens as I think big and do big by myself.  So to my volunteers - I sincerely apologize!

For 2011 my goal as a leader is to SIMPLIFY.  Keep things simple enough so that what I do as a leader is easily duplicated.  Simple enough for anyone interested in doing it - can.  Simple enough for more people to join in. Simple enough for everyone to start on the same page and create the big idea together.  This was not my idea first, take McDonald's and Jesus.  Yes, I said McDonald's and Jesus.

McDonald's is the biggest restaurant chain in the world.  Would you believe they're not in the business of selling hamburgers & fries?  They're in the business of building an easy-to-duplicate system - keeping systems simple so that anyone can do it then repeat it down the road.  That's why they consider themselves the largest small business in the world.  Their leader, Ray Kroc, had the foresight to recognize that wealth comes from depth.  The same could be said for lasting effects - like the disciples.

Jesus limited Himself by giving up His seat in heaven to come to earth as a man. He showed me the way to live by limiting Himself.  His life as a man is a simple concept to duplicate.  Nothing is ever EASY - just SIMPLE (kinda like losing weight is a simple concept but oh,so hard to follow-thru).  Jesus simplified the whole law - love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and strength, and love others as yourself.  Simple. Easy to duplicate.  Hard to execute sometimes, sure, but easy to duplicate.  Wealth comes from depth, and the best wealth is to see lives changed.  So I will SIMPLIFY and be a leader others want to follow. 

And I officially give you all the same freedom my brother has - to tell me like it is. To have no fear in being honest with me even when it comes to me.  How else can I grow if I don't know.  (And knowing is half the battle...come on you 80s fiends...sing it!)

I've included a cute video that shows a good leader....
