Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday fragments

} So I'm late on writing's barely still Friday!

} My planner is back in order - I'm up to color-coding with seven, yes count 'em, 7 colors. A different color for different categories of course. Does that mean I'm busy - yep. Getting myself back to being the me I know me to be!
} Got confirmation for starting my own business this week - one job to submit a proposal for and another to give a scope of work. And this is from simple word-of-mouth. Always ready for more business! I'd love to do a video project for someone for Christmas - those are my favorites.

} One of my churches, Greenville Christian Church, is 176 years old this year. In 1983 some members created a time capsule which we will be opening Sunday night, November 8 in a big celebration concert. All kinds of stuff will be going on that night. And since the capsule was done in the 80's - it's only appropriate to have an 80s theme in there somewhere! Still got LOTS of work to do on this, but going through the history of this church is amazing. See these faces to the right? These kids would be our "seasoned saints" today. I just wish I had names to go with these faces!

} Ok, I couldn't resist joining in the book fun! I signed-up to be a reviewer like Rebecca and Joe! I started my first book today, Max Lucado's "Fearless." I need to come up with a rating system like Rebecca has - that's cool...

} I'm missed at my old job. My friend, Sheree, and I had lunch this week. She's such an encourager anyway, but she did make me feel better about my role at my previous workplace. Just felt a little lighter this week :-) .

Have a great weekend y'all! Try to stay dry!

Love these Friday Fragments! For more - go see Mrs.4444 @ Half-Past Kissin' Time: Friday Fragments?

Or even Sara's Friday Freewrite: is the Chronicles of My Ordinary and Awesome Life, Family, and Thoughts. is the Mostly Wordless Wednesday headquarters as well as the home to several original awards and memes.


Rebecca Jo said...

YAHOOOO for book reviewing!!!

Sara Elizabeth said...

I am sorry to stop by so late. I am catching up on FF post today. Busy week and my birthday kept me a little busy. :(

Oh I love doing book reviews! How fun. Congrats on getting into that. :)
