Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Glutton

The hummingbirds have been back since Derby weekend. Their regular time of year to come home. And the babies have all hatched and grown too...there's at least seven little motors flying around the feeders. They're so used to me just being out there they'll fly right up to my face to let me know their juice is low (or even my office window if I'm not outside). So I stood out around the feeder to get a decent picture of one of my "little men." The hummingbirds go through more sugar in a summer than I personally go through in a whole year. It's ridiculous, but they LOVE it! And they have a "squatter" that refuses to leave the bar...
This little bee keeps his head stuck in the holes to get all the juice he can. He hops from hole to hole, and the hummingbirds just hop over top of him to another hole. The only time he steps away from "the bar" is when a wasp wants in on the goods. He actually flew right up beside me as if I was the bouncer to get the wasp out of the way. So I've affectionately named him "glutton."

It's not like I don't have plenty of flowers around for him to get nectar from. How do you get bee to do what he's supposed to do naturally? Guess he fits in around here with the cat who doesn't kill mice. Maybe he's thinking "work smarter, not harder." Seems to be working well for him.

