Monday, October 31, 2011

Learning New Ways...

Both of my businesses are very face-to-face relationship necessary. This requires me to drive roughly 100 miles a day. Most days include the trying-to-get-across-the-bridge experience.  Some go quickly, others not so much.  Take one morning not too long ago...

I headed to Louisville at the appointed time, giving myself an hour and 30 to get to my destination across the river.  However, I did not factor in the sprinkling of rain  Everyone moves slower in the rain - unless they're actually IN it then everyone's a sprinter. I take my normal route tempted to try a different way - maybe the stoplights won't hold me up too much.  Nah...stick with the original plan.  Well, I manage to get to the traffic parking lot about four miles from the bridge...about a hundred yards from the last exit to freedom.  Sheesh. 

So I reassess the situation.  My time is dwindling, my frustration is rising.  Maybe I should try the next exit and take the 2nd Street bridge instead.  Now, to do that, there are a few options off that exit.  I chose the unknown...I couldn't actually SEE the backup until I got into it.  Ok. No problem.  However, my bladder is now screaming for my attention.  It had already been my alotted hour & 30 with my morning Dew.  Not a good combination.  But that's the beauty of having a truck that can ride the shoulders.  All I could do at this point was laugh at the hilarity of it all.

After a short respite in the nearest restroom, it was back on the road again.  Willie Nelson wrote a theme of my life before I could drive. 

More choices. Again - I choose the slower route.  Not on purpose, it's just how it worked out.  More laughing.  Good thing I have a YouTube favorites playlist on my smartphone.

When I finally arrive at my meeting - thank God for a business partner! - I had an epiphany.  It was an illustration of many people's path to success.  We start out with that determined plan to reach a goal.  We have the timing, tools, everything in place, when all of a sudden the unplanned element throws us into a crossroads of choices.  We may have to change our plans to get to our desired goal.  We may have to take a detour along the way. We may have to make a pit-stop every now and then.  But with support (my partner to cover me), a good attitude (my perspective & YouTube motivators), and the resources (my trusty truck), my desired goal (the meeting) became reality.  Not necessarily in the way I originally planned it - but it happened. 

So for all of you with a goal: losing weight, taking your business to the next level, having a retirement fund, marrying that perfect someone, whatever that goal may be, be flexible along the way but stick to it. 

