I pray post finds you doing well. I’ll just get right to the point. I need your help. Prayer warriors and financial donors alike.
We are in the final planning of our activities and I am very excited to share with you what He has laid on our hearts for this trip:
- 5-day VBS in the Tinca Village. This will include singing praise & worship songs, people skits, a devotional, crafts, games and lunch. Last year we ministered to over 200 children!
- Various construction needs at the Isaiah Center (to be determined)
- Prayer walk through Tinca and the Gypsy village that lies on the outskirts of this small town
- Help Dave with his Futbol ministry in the Gypsy village
- Visit, minister and pray with the Roma families as we deliver their monthly care packages
- Minister to, replenish and build up Rach & Dave to give them the strength they need to continue His work
We still have a lot of preparation to complete before we leave and another team fundraiser. That’s why I’m sending you this letter. Support through prayer is priority one. Prayer is the fuel that will allow us to be successful as we follow God’s leading. So please pray often for unity, focus, and safety of our team. But to be honest with you, I just don' t have anywhere close to the $2,100 needed laying about the house. So, I decided to send letters to people and ask for something I don' t usually ask for in addition to prayer - money. If you feel led, I' d love if you could financially support me on this mission trip. A little, a lot, any would be great. I need to raise $2,100 total by August 1. To help support me financially, you may go online to www.mynorthsidemissions.com and click on Make a Payment. After logging in, select the trip and type in my name (Christy Smallwood). Your online sponsorship will go directly towards my trip account, and you will be credited for your tax-deductible contribution. If you are unable to give online, you may make a check payable to Northside Christian Church and write “Romania 2011” on the memo line. Then please mail that check directly to me – not the church (@ 4640 W Cole Rd., Salem, IN 47167).
Pray that all we say and do will be glorifying to God. Pray that our efforts in helping Rach & Dave as well as the children and adults of Romania will be blessed as we serve God’s purposes for our being there. And knowing that you are praying would mean a lot to me. Not only that, but when you are supporting me financially or in prayer – you become part of our team. I will also be in prayer for you and update you on our progress through facebook and blogging. You can join our group on facebook by looking up Romania Mission Trip. Thank you so much for your prayers, support and consideration. May God continue to bless you and your family.
Romans 10:14-15b: “How shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?”
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