Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Life's Changes

When I started this blog in May, I assumed I would keep it up more regularly. But wouldn't you know it, "life comes at you fast!"

Here's just an overview of events:
  • My mom and stepdad are getting divorced (as soon as someone fiels the papers)

  • My biological dad passed away this week

  • His side of the family is crazy to deal with (what family isn't)

  • The outside pane of my sliding glass door shattered - can't tell how

  • I have a hard time keeping a mower working

  • The pump for my pool kept leaking - but it's finally fixed with a new part thanks to Scott Griffin (if you ever need pool help he's the man!)

  • Day job is always a little crazy - huge project through September

  • Part-time Job with Brewer Auction Service is in full-swing - we've got some great auctions coming up!
  • Lots of projects at the church - 175th Anniversay Celebration beginning to take shape, a concert has been scheduled! Mark your calendars - Sunday, August 26!
  • And as I've been reminded by other's posts, we just finished an awesome VBS this year! It was so much fun and very good for me to get my mind off family stuff. It's amazing what little kids will do when you have a camera in your hand! They are so funny! And the games...check out this video...

I know some of this is negative stuff - but there's always a funny story in it. And only by the amazing grace of God and the fact that Jesus loves me enough to have died for my sins and grants me salvation and a home to go home to someday, am I able to rise above the crazy. So never think it's me being awesome - it's all God! (the picture is one of my favorite views up the road from me)


Rebecca Jo said...

So glad to see another blogger - LOVE IT!

I'm so sorry to hear about your father! You'll have to tell me about it Sunday (or you know you're always free to give us a ring!)

Luv U Girlie!!!

Courtney said...

Great VBS Video! Life never slows down. Just make sure you take time for YOU! If you don't you'll surely regret it later. So, get in that big ole bath tub of yours with lots of bubbles, and a good book. Call your kitties to sit on the side and watch them pat at the bubbles. Have a good laugh and take a deep breath.
