Again, it's been awhile since I've last posted. There's just been so much going on!
- The 175th (+1) celebration concert at church consumed me for about three weeks. But it was a success! I just hate that I didn't get any pictures, but there is video! As soon as I get a chance to work on that, I'll share some bits here.
- The church youth's Amazing Race before that. That took some organizing time, but well worth it. The kids had a blast and the stories we got to hear at the end!
- Auctions and all that entails.
- Odd-jobs, and trying to drum-up business as well as cheering Bill on for a career-change.
- Friends' and family drama.
- Church goings-on.
- Pro-bono wedding video and pictures to still be done.
- Crocheting a baby blanket plus three other projects.
- Reading about 5 books - combination of business and Christian, plus one biography on Eleanor of Aquitaine (ancient royal history).
- Housecleaning - lots of purging going on with closets.
- Bible study groups - I'm a part of one mixed group, one women's group, and I think we're going to another mixed group this week.
- Personal God-time. I've made the change to starting my day with God. I sit at my kitchen table with all the windows around me and just ask God to teach me something new in His word, and He does! I get to watch the sun come up and just start the day right and that sticks with me for a long time through the day.
- Support group night - can't really count it as Bible study, but it still amazes me how real people can be in there versus in church.
- Got to have my facebook game-time.
- Then there's eating, although I can play games on the computer while I eat, or read.
- And finally - sleeping! During those weeks of working on the concert I didn't get much sleep, maybe 4 or 5 hours a night. I can proudly say I am making up for it now!
And through all that - which is nothing compared to anyone who has children - I am trying to be intentional with ministry. Basically, ministering to anyone who has a need, and that could be you. Bill and I have been given opportunities to just be servants wherever God places us, and that it simply awesome. Have you ever been in a place where you just feel blessings and "enlarging of territory" coming your way?
I'll be writing more soon enough. Thanks for visiting!
Grace & Peace to y'all!

How did you ever have a job before??? :) You are just on the go go go!!! But its all for God's work ... keep rockin' girl!
And I thought I was busy! I thought technology was supposed to free up time for us--instead, now we are multitasking like crazy! :)
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