Thursday, January 17, 2008

Paradigm Shift

So I'm sitting in yet another meeting. This one is the Calendar Committee of our Full Board. So there's roughly 17 people on this "sub" committee. The Calendar Committee has a huge responsibility of reviewing data and recommendations from the corporation. Right now we've broke for lunch - 15 minutes, then back to work - but we just have a product that didn't get voted in. I've never seen a bunch of people literally look like chickens with their heads cut-off! They had to immediately have a back-up plan ready to be voted on because there is so much more to it than just having it look right on a calendar: supply issues, creative for TV spots, online efforts, any previously planned Public Relations effort for that "other" product, financial stuff, on & on it goes. These guys & gals work their tails off - and it is VERY political. And very LONG. And sometimes mindnumbingly boring. But this morning the corporate guys are bringing new products to the committee to consider. They are positioning it so it can help "transform" the brand. Help people think differently about KFC. Not just a chicken-on-the-bone place. That's one of the reasons we changed the Colonel's image last year. It helps make him more relevant to a new generation of consumers. Even though the main message doesn't change - we serve the best tasting chicken in the world - that doesn't change. But it requires a paradigm shift (change of thinking) not only for consumers, but for these leaders that are making the big decisions. That's very hard. They can see the need for those changes that will help with consumers' perceptions - but to take that leap of faith seems to be unloyal to all they've ever known or done before. But the changes keep them competitive and stores open and people coming back to buy chicken.

Well, think how that can relate to Greenville Christian Church. We are all consumers. How do we think about our "going-to-church" experience. Does it need to be transformed? I think we are on our way at GCC. There have been many minor changes aesthetically...but have we really started tranforming our minds? I know through my experiences in 2007, that is the priority. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your MIND and with all your soul. And remember - Romans 12...Have our leadership made that leap of faith to transform the church to be relevant to the new generation? Our main message should never change: Christ is salvation and the only way, Love the Lord with all your heart, mind & soul, and love your neighbor as yourself. The message doesn't change. But how we communicate that message should change. How we aesthetically look needs to change (lights, colors, media, areas, rooms, etc.). But this is a big paradigm shift for many in the church. For some of us - not so hard. I personally like change. I like new sensory the video last Sunday! It's been great to see us mix-it-up a little in our services. Kudos Chad & staff! But what about other areas of the church? How do we transform to be relevant while working in excellence?


Rebecca Jo said...

I had to laugh - you're at a KFC meeting & you said they were running around looking like "chickens with their heads cut off" ..... FUNNY!!

And hey, during the meeting, did you find any other good Knitting Ebay deals? You were cracking me up!
