That's how the lyrics go to the country song anyway. And you know what - it's true! I've seen it for myself today - all day long it seems like. The people who run stop signs to get in front of you (and you're the ONLY car coming), that's bad enough on the way to a church service. We went to church this morning already rebuking Satan for trying to get on our nerves.
Then at Tom's football game there was a domestic dispute going on behind us between a mom and the stepmom. Needless to say there were plenty of expletives being thrown around. The school-teacher-mom-of-a-Steeler in front of me turned on a dime and started yelling at the two of them to take that trash language off our field. Did they listen? Nope. They continued on
The bummer of the day is that the Steelers lost their game to the Bears. BUT....I know see why parents can get so wrapped-up in these games. Those little guys look so professional at this point in the season. They've learned the form, rules, strategies, and teamwork - they look like they know what they're doing! And it gets exciting. They all did so well! There's always next year.
So then Bill and I go get the elements for him to make us some chili and head home. I still needed to go to my mom's to get good drinking water (I have the hardest water in the whole area so I don't drink the tap). On the way to mom's I pull up to this crazy sight: this mostly naked guy (had on his undies) in the middle of the road, his clothes scattered all over the road, yelling at the four fully clothed guys in the yard. He had a bloody nose and was completely oblivious to the truck coming at him (that'd be me). I pull up and roll down my window, one of the clothed guys comes over and I ask if it's okay to go around him and he asks me to call the police because the guy (no clothes, bloody nose, in the road), is threatening their lives. O...k....
After I refuse the naked guy's request for a "lift," I proceed to mom's and call the sheriff's office. I said, "I live 'out here' and there's this guy...," "And he's naked?" "I take it I'm not the first to call!" We laughed a bit and she assured me help was on the way. Crazy - and sad at the same time.
And do you see these pictures? This is my big ol' maple tree. It's an over-achiever this year!
Oh mercy!!!! That's some interesting sights for the day... I guess you never know what you're going to see on the drive home on a country road!
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