Monday, December 14, 2009

What Christmas Is All About

Last night was the Christmas program at Greenville church. For a smaller church, there is an enormous amount of talent there. The kids did a program before the bigger "kids" ensemble (which sounded like angels!). For this program there were a lot of lines to memorize and a bunch of fantastic new songs all with some funky choreography. These little kids (1st-5th grades) were awesome. The proud faces on all the parents and grandparents and flashes from cameras really made it fun. And my biggest warm-and-fuzzy moment came when the kids did a song that included a recitative (talking during the music) of the same section in Luke that Linus does during the Charlie Brown Christmas Special. I've included a media clip for your enjoyment.

And for the big kids guys were amazing! And I missed out big-time not being a part of it.


Rebecca Jo said...

Wasnt it awesome? Those kiddos did such a good job.... I teared up at that part myself... Its just crazy to see some of the kiddos that I've seen as babies up there on stage now... they grow so fast...& those little voices singing to God... OH mercy - I'm ready to tear up AGAIN!!!
