There was a lot of father-son bonding with this thing. The first lesson - never shoot at someone. Boy, the first experience with the bow lasted all of 2 minutes when Tom shot an arrow over Bill's head while Bill

The next day proved Tom to be a much better student. Good thing too - he hit the bale 90% of the time - AND made some bullseyes!
Saturday we had lunch with friends and Tom got to play on this great playground, and shoot hoops and all sorts of other stuff with Lynn's son, Michael. And there was more bow & arrow fun when we got back home. He also found a new pet, Toader. You guessed it - a frog. He spent an hour trying to find it again after he made it a new "home" out of a shoebox filled with grass, twigs, rocks and a lid filled with water. Toader apparently was winning at hide-and-seek since Tom did not get to take him home with him.

So the weekend was full of testosterone! Hmm...gonna need some princess time soon I believe!
grace & peace y'all!
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