I mentioned in my last post about my motto for now: "be still and wait upon the Lord." Well, if you know me at all, I like to make sure that I'm on the right path and that's really what God wants me to do. I question and analyze too much sometimes. When I got home from Bible study last night, I read some more in the "God's Eye View" book.
In the chapter talking about "The Power of Proximity," Tenney uses the illustration of Abraham and Isaac going up the mountain to worship. And just the subtitle to the section alone is enough: "Climb and Worship until your problem meets His solution." Praising through perseverance anyone? He uses a tree-destiny analogy. The ram on the top of the mountain got stuck in branches...the ram was born to be on that mountain and all his life had not gotten stuck, but divinely stuck when a sacrifice was called for. Then he gives another example that just blew me away:
“Long before Zacchaeus was born, I believe God planted a seed beside the Jericho road…’Nothing is more important to Me than preplanning encounters with My children.’ Then He added, ‘I can’t make Zacchaeus climb the tree, but I can plant the tree. Only his hunger will cause him to climb the tree. In the meantime, My sovereignty will make sure the tree is in its place, ready and waiting for his climb to destiny.’”
Well - that was it for me! I love when a message just hits me right between the eyes! I'm so climbing my tree! The last tree he talks about is the holy tree used for Calvary.
For Abraham and Isaac - they were on their way to worship God. That's what Isaac knew, that's what the helpers knew. And to worship God you needed a sacrifice...but there was no sacrifice (or so they thought) going up the hill with Isaac and Abraham. Little did they know, God was directing that ram up the other side of the mountain to show his love and provision.
This whole book is about worship. Worshipping like a child to a dad. To open your arms, reaching for His attention. Worship is between you and Him. He wants our love, devotion and attention given freely and willingly, and sometimes sacrificially back to Him. There is no question that He loves us, and I want there to be no question that I love Him.
Tonight is a special night at Round 2 - a time where we can come and worship freely, and lay down all our burdens at the cross. Worship who God is - our creator, Savior, healer, Father and friend. For those who read this, I pray you will come with open hearts - or at least hearts ready to burst open for Him who gives you life!
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