Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Still a Princess - even on days off!

So - how long can I possibly be on a Princess "high?" As long as I stay in close relationship with my Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (and watch a few princess and romantic movies along the way). So as I'm sure everyone has heard - the Princess Tea was a glittering success! So now I'm gearing up for the Mother- Daughter lunch on Saturday. Then the Phillips-Hornung wedding (ahhhhhhhhh) that evening -- and an auction that morning to start the day off! Whew.

So, I've taken yesterday and today off frowm work to catch up around my house and do auction work. It's amazing what a little concentrated effort can get done! Well, this morning I couldn't resist when God woke me up for the sunrise to go take a picture of one of my favorite scenes out here. Hope you like it too.

